Florida Water


Ancient petroglyphs indicate that healers have been using Agua de Florida for around 2,000 years owing to its exceptional grounding properties, and its ability to swiftly clear negativity, stress and fatigue. This beautiful scent combines uplifting citrus notes with relaxing bergamot and neroli, and stimulating clove and cinnamon. 

Florida water has a variety of uses:

  • Spritz in your hands and inhale the scent a couple of times to ground, revive, relax and clear your mind

  • Do the same with children when they’re distressed and in need of grounding 

  • Spray it around the office or home to energetically clear the space – a great way to restore peace and calm after a hard meeting, an argument, an upset of any kind or a party

  • The best way to clean your crystal is to spray it with Florida Water, and rest it on the ground for 10 minutes. I suggest you do this monthly if it’s just you using the crystal but do this  every time someone else uses your stone. 

£30 for 270ml + 30ml atomiser

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