
Alchemy / Benefits

My work is about getting you healthy, energised and strong in ALL areas of your life. Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and fatigued have become normalised societal norms. It is all too easy to forget that life is a gift, and it can - and should - be a source of fulfilment, energy and joy. My work gets you aligned with this simple but profound truth - authentically and quickly. This enables you to go from surviving to thriving, and to pay our work together forward so that you positively impact your family, friends and colleagues in turn. Together, we create a virtuous cycle that is self-sustaining. This is the embodiment of the Andean principle of ayni, reciprocity embodying a profound gratitude for life.

You are invited to experience my work with a complimentary 15-minute video visualisation.

This exercise will promote calm and give you useful insights into yourself. Anyone can visualise - even if you find meditation difficult. Moreover, this visulisation can be repeated - the insights it provides change each time you do it.

Free Visualisation

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Some of the results you can expect from working with me are:

  • Lasting relief from mental stress, emotional turbulence and physical pain

  • The ability to make decisions from the wise & intuitive part of yourself that is strong, centered and optimistic

  • Feeling grounded, connected, inspired and at peace

  • Clarity about who you are and why you’re here

  • Less reactivity in your daily life

  • Feeling reconnected with Nature, joy and trust