For me, a leader is anyone committed to living a life focused on impactful service and being part of a movement for positive change. One of my greatest joys is to nurture and support empowered, dynamic and authentic leaders, whether you’re a CEO, a full-time Mum or a creative. Leaders who live inspired – and inspiring – lives.

Through intensive private mentoring programmes and short, but effective private retreats, my work gets you de-stressed, connected and confident. With a bigger vision for yourself & your life.

Aimed at responsibility-rich, time-poor clients who want the privacy, exclusivity and speed of working with me one-to-one, private mentoring packages and retreats are highly efficient accelerations that deliver tangible results fast. We use a specific combination of personally-tailored healing techniques that employ sound, crystals, visualisations, quantum physics and plant wisdom to get you living and working at your absolute best.

Private Mentoring

‘Life is more fulfilling, and I’m a lot happier in who I am. My ability to empathise has increased hugely and yet I’m les worried about what people think of me. Confidence has replaced cockiness. My work with Anna hasn’t crushed my drive, it’s tempered it. I make better work decisions, and I have the ability to stop, while I see other colleagues go way beyond with extra work that doesn’t take them where they want to go.’

Robert, Executive Account at ICAP – as told to The Sunday Times April 2014

Please note that an initial consultation is a prerequisite for anyone wishing to book a package of mentoring sessions or a private retreat.

  • Package of 6 sessions of 1 ¼ - 1 1/2 hours with email support between sessions: £2,925 + VAT

    Single Session of 1 hour: £400 + VAT

  • Bespoke itineraries designed especially for you, lasting anywhere between 1.5 and 3 days.
