‘[Three days with Anna] enabled me to accept who I am. I haven’t smoked [since], I’ve made up with my mum, I’ve looked people in the eye, I’ve finished therapy, and I haven’t been lonely once.’
‘The crushing guilt I felt about my divorce and my children has lifted. The brightness button has been turned up on my life. I feel peaceful, as if I’ve been meditating on a mountain in Tibet for 3 years. I feel like myself. A good, sorted, confident version of me.’
‘The work I’ve done with Anna has been life-changing on many levels. Over the past 5 years, I’ve learned to reflect, heal and be grateful for life in ways I could never have imagined. With a shaman as skilled as Anna to guide and support, life gets richer and more meaningful.’
‘Hallucinogens are a tool for meaningful change, which to some extent depends on where one is starting from. However, having the tool is similar to most carpentry lessons....sure you can use them, but without guidance you are likely to spend a lot of time not forging ahead achieving anything other than rudimentary in design. Your work with the plant is exceptional, and I think it needs to be noted that the plant wouldn't be able to achieve the same degree of change without you. Your art is a result of years of dedication and you are quite literally the tip of the spear.’
‘I have done two four-day retreats with Anna. Each has left me feeling like I have completed seven years of cognitive therapy. The progress I have made still amazes me and I feel light, strong and free. I met Anna when she gave a talk at Greenpeace, and I have now brought her to The Netherlands to work with my team.’
‘With this Peru trip Anna achieves the magical and seemingly impossible – to travel with the support of a group and also have a deep personal journey – to connect with the sacred space of Peru both in sites well frequented and those still wild and free. Our lovely guides made us feel like honoured guests, with whom they had pride and pleasure in sharing their deep knowledge of their country. We stayed in places which nurtured us and ate food that nourished the body and spirit. Anna’s love of this wonderful country is evident in every detail over which she has spent such care to ensure that each person has the journey of their lifetime.’
‘I cannot over-emphasise the wonderful and positive changes in my life since working with Anna. I have repaired a very strained relationship with my father, found a way of dealing with the stresses of my city job and also regained confidence in myself. Friends and family have commented on the evident changes in me, but more importantly, I feel it in myself. These aren’t fleeting changes – they are solid, deep and here to stay. Anna has helped me unlock my true self and I will forever be grateful to her.’
‘An extraordinary trip, filled with memorable experiences. Extremely well organised and informative, giving an insight into Peruvian culture and the beauty of a wondrous country. Anna skilfully engineers every stage to allow personal transformation in a safe and supportive environment. She is a graceful and discerning facilitator dedicated to her craft. This is a life changing adventure and I anticipate the wisdom gained to echo far into the distance.’
‘Anna is a deeply caring teacher and guide with an incomparable understanding of the human heart. During the time I have known her, I have moved countries twice, loved and lost aplenty, mourned loved ones, and navigated ups and downs in both career and money. With the gift of Anna's work, I've been able to face these challenges with an ever-growing sense of self-trust and calm, knowing that I could always return to shamanism as a guiding light when crossing rough waters. I see the world differently now, and also genuinely feel that the world looks back at me differently, too. Anna's command of shamanism's ancient healing techniques have helped me release old hurts and anxieties, freeing up new space for joy and connection. After nearly a decade of knowing Anna, I am always honoured to spend time with her, and count her as one of the most important connections I have made in my life.’
‘Life is more fulfilling. I feel more grounded in reality. My ability to empathise has increased hugely and yet I’m less worried about what people think of me. I’m a lot happier in who I am.
Confidence has replaced cockiness. My work with Anna hasn’t crushed my drive, it’s tempered it. I make better work decisions, and I have the ability to stop, while I see other colleagues go way beyond with extra work that doesn’t take them where they want to go.’
‘I would recommend Anna without hesitation to anybody who works in the corporate world, and is expected to deliver under constantly high pressure. To give an idea of what’s possible: last summer after yet another Budget season, which was particularly intense due to a change in the senior leadership, I felt burnt out – totally lacking in focus and energy. In previous years, if I found myself in such a situation, I would normally have to take at least a week off to completely disconnect. This time Anna got me back on track in one session – lasting just one hour, over Skype. The next morning, I woke up feeling full of new energy and positivity, really as though I’d hit a re-set button. Since then – and this was almost a year ago now – I haven’t even got close to burn out despite the considerable pressures of my job. Many coaches promise this; Anna delivers it.’
‘Working with Anna has considerably reduced my levels of anxiety and stress, and made me feel much more confident and capable of developing my career and dealing with life’s challenges. Worth every penny.‘
‘Anna’s weekend retreat was, hands down, one of the top experiences of my life. Seeing a miniscule glimpse of what’s out there, whilst accessing useful things to enable me to grow, was both a rewarding and beautiful experience. Not all easy, but incredible. I cannot speak highly enough of Anna and her work. She is both powerful and extremely wise. I went to the weekend whilst ill with flu, and I came home fully healed, restored and reinvigorated. A weekend that will stay with me forever.’
‘Through Anna’s work, I am a completely different - and better - person. Her Quantum Physics workshop helped me to broken relationships; they continue to thrive 3 years later, and I still use this transformational technique. A weekend retreat saw me deal with my profound grief following the passing of my mother, including some very deep-seated anger and emotions that went back years. I could physically feel Anna move this energy out of me; I have never experienced anything like it. Having arrived in a very dark and heavy place, I left the retreat feeling so light and free.’
‘Anna offers something valuable and unique in the area of personal development. She combines shamanism with modern approaches in a powerful way that brings about insight and lays the foundation for dramatic personal change.’
‘It’s hard to put into words what working with Anna has meant to me. She is an exceptionally talented healer and I am grateful that she is a part of my life.
This August will be the fourth retreat I have attended with Anna and she has changed my life. My mind and body get a much needed detox and I feel amazing for months even after just one session with her.
My dad was an alcoholic and committed suicide when I was 11. He was only 37 years old. So I have carried a lot of shame and trauma from this and working with Anna has helped me to be at peace and reconnect with my inner joy.’
‘After a four-day retreat with Anna, I’m in a much calmer place with far less mental chatter. I also feel much more centred and less insecure. I’m happy within myself, with less to prove, so I’m less defensive. These changes have been noticed by other people – a friend’s father who I have known for many years has told me how much less intimidating and softer I am. As a professional journalist working in a very tough industry, it’s easy to become hardened and this feedback is something I particularly value. A retreat to Peru the following year cemented these changes. I returned home the same person, but different – I understand myself, I no longer try to please anyone apart from me, I feel powerful and calm.’
‘The wonderful Peru retreat instigated huge inner growth. It was immediately integrated into my normal life when I got home, and I had the strength to face some really challenging work situations that I had been anxious about. Without Anna’s skillful work, I wouldn’t have been able to do this. This trip is not only about our own spiritual growth, though, but also about being a light in the world which comes from integrating the shadow. In helping me integrate my shadow, especially my anxiety, Anna has had a profound impact on the people around me – family and my team.’
‘A huge thank you, Anna, for how you have helped me over the past 18 months. My life and outlook is completely transformed, and the eating issue that plagued me most of my life seems to have completely dissipated. Honestly, I don’t know how I could possibly have overcome that without you. In addition, the magic over the past 12 months in resolving relationships and stepping into healthier, happier ones has been phenomenal. I never could have anticipated such beautiful shifts in that area of my life.’
‘The entire trip is exquisitely curated so that each day and stage opens into the next, one’s insights and experiences unfolding seamlessly. The true beauty held within Anna’s Peru trip though is contained in the group dynamic. Care and attention is given to create a space of trust that can hold you while you’re transforming. It’s from this solid foundation of being held that Anna instigates the shamanic process and then steps out of the way, allowing each person to transform. I’m certainly meeting and engaging with life in a way I hadn’t done before going to Peru.’
‘The truly special part about this trip was how the shamanic, archaeological and cultural elements were seamlessly woven together. It was clear that a huge amount of thought and love had gone into its planning. I left with a true understanding of the country, and at the same time, had a deeper shamanic experience than ever before. I went to Peru to work on a major health issue. It’s four months since we returned and I am now feeling the best I have felt in over 4 years.’
‘A magical experience. Against the wonderfully rich and beautiful surroundings of Peru, Anna managed to blend together a group that worked together extremely well. Anna was a mother to us all, looking over us and after us, giving us the attention and love we needed to help us on our individual journeys, yet also the time and space to help us process and grow . A very special trip indeed, and 3 months on, I’ve experienced a notable increase in inner belief and confidence. I am better equipped to deal with what comes and tackle the ebbs and flows of life,eople have noticed the difference in me.’
‘An amazing trip in every aspect. The itinerary was well thought out and the acclimatisation to each area was gentle, flowing and totally immersive. I acquired a sense of ultimate grounding and calmness by the end of the trip, and I genuinely wanted to stay in Peru forever…’
‘A marvellous experience. Anna had organised the most fantastic itinerary visiting beautiful and historic sites, as well as eating in some great restaurants. The shamanic work taught me how important it is to let go, and listen to and feel the energy around us. This was a very special trip and I enjoyed it hugely.’
‘Working with Anna and her superb team in Peru was a landmark life experience. I would recommend this trip to anybody. The details were worked out perfectly, and each one of them – no matter how apparently small – contained the potential for great healing! Almost three months after returning, I still feel a sense of grounding and presence; I haven’t felt this consistently before. Having continued daily with the practices we were taught in Peru, I am confident that the changes which began out there will be with me for life!’
‘Anna is impeccable in her professionalism, with a level of expertise that puts her ahead of the field. I trust her, her ethos and her approach unconditionally. I was introduced to Anna eight years ago; and I continue to work with her because what she does has a profound and lasting impact on every area of my life. In Cotswold Park Barns, Anna has chosen a venue and location that complements her art. The countryside brought us together as a group swiftly and held us in its embrace throughout the retreat. The Barns themselves are beautiful, and offered the kind of peace and comfort that helped me sink into the weekend as soon as I arrived. What a life-changing experience!’